Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My World Smiles More...

Sounds cheezy ayt?! hahaha What can I do, I can't help it!! ☺

Let me start of by saying, 2007 was a great year!

A few months after graduation I got a job.. yeah not an ideal job I should say, but hey! it pays the bills (not that I've got lots to pay) and also it gets me things I'm used to without asking mom for allowance (shame on me if I'm still doing this! ahehehe), helps in paying for my vacations or my weekly gimiks or even just an intimate dinner with friends! Weee

Also, I learned to open my heart, trust and gave love another chance (of breaking my heart again! I hope not! ahehehe)

2007 lets me experience new things, gain new knowledge,hurdle new problems, get to meet new people and have new friends, set new priorities and goals, rekindle my faith and ties with the Lord and... get to meet the one person I have learned to trust and love.


I had a blast in '07 and I am looking forward to other new things in my life in the Year of the Rat!

I am welcoming 2008 with arms wide open and a huge smile plastered on my face!

Let's Get it On!

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Friday, January 18, 2008

New 'Dos ♥♥♥

A so-so day in the office have sho and I fooling around with wigs and donning on new hairstyles. Wahahaha.

Photos below:

I particularly like the shag hairstlye and the color! Hmm.. I always wanted to have my hair colored and after this the urge just became stronger! (I'm just afraid I won't be able to maintain it and it might my hair dry and brittle!) Hmmmm.. should I or should I not?! wehehehe

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