Thursday, July 12, 2007

Dont wanna be the Third Wheel

I am writing here today without any particular idea what I'm gonna write. I just feel the rush of letting the words flow out at the fingertips (uh, literally since im typin the letters-wehehe so corni! Ü)

Anywei, I realized that I must refrain from being overly accommodating to this person since I think as the day progress I'm starting to fall - wrong reasons, wrong time.. but the right person (i guess?!) I tried to ignore the feeling to the point that I almost bottled up my emotions and reactions towards the situation.. it's not at all healthy .. im tired and it is leaving a searing pain and it troubles my heart (lol) Hey! don't wanna be the third wheel here! So guess I'll try straighten this up and hopefully gain some control over my emotions -AGAIN-

*sob.. sob*

1 sweet nothings:

Anonymous said...

Good post.

Plurk it!



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